Welcome Parasha learners! In this track, each week we will learn and try to connect to a part of the weekly Parsha. The Torah portion we read each week in synagogue is not just a story of the past, or a prophecy of the future. The Torah is Hashem's word, and it is relevant to us. Through our learning I hope we can connect and hear the words of Hashem resonating to us. Together we will be created from Genesis, build the ark with Noah, go with Abraham to the Land of Israel. We will pray for the children with Isaac, we will dream together with Jacob about angels (and sheep) and go down to Egypt with Joseph and then with his brothers. We will also leave Egypt with all the people of Israel, receive the Torah at Mount Sinai and build the Mishkan. At the end we will hear Moshe Rabbeinu repeat this Torah in one speech and listen to the last song of the Torah 'in the sight of all Israel'. Please contact me to join our Whatsapp community, where I will publish ideas regarding our learning. You're welcome to be in touch with me about anything concerned with the learning. And I'd love to hear how it's going for you and your chavruta. I wish us all a successful journey together. Yonatan +972-556633-286