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Celebrate a joyous occasion or honor a loved one's memory by dedicating a day, a week, or even a month of learning in the Shalhevet Learning Community.

Sponsor an entire period of learning activities at Shalhevet and make a meaningful contribution to our community's growth. Your sponsorship supports all the learning sessions, one-on-one sessions, and Torah study throughout the chosen time frame.


How Does It Work?

To dedicate a day, week, or month of learning, simply click here and fill out the form. Enter the name of the person or event you're dedicating to, write the type of dedication (day, week, or month), the chosen date(s), and make a secure online payment. Once confirmed, your dedication will be proudly displayed on our website for the entire duration of the dedication.

Please note that multiple names may appear on any given day, week, or month, reflecting the collective dedication of individuals within our community.

Make a lasting impact with Shalhevet.


Dedicate Learning

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